


王怡茜 助理教授 ycwang3232@mail.chihlee.edu.twEmail
最高學歷  國立高雄師範大學英語學系博士

致理科技大學應用英語系 助理教授兼新南向小語種教學與認證中心主任
淡江大學英美語言文化學系 助理教授
國立高雄師範大學英語學系 兼任講師
文藻外語大學外語教學系 兼任講師
永生基督書院英語學系 兼任講師
國立師範大學心測中心國中基測推動委員會 英語科研究員
  1. Wang, Y. C. & Kao, S. H. (2024). Enhancing distance course design: Insights from student and teacher reflections. Journal of Creativities, Innovations, and Entrepreneurship, 3(4), 75-84.
  2. Kao, S. H., Wang, Y. C., Liu, Y. H., & Teng, M. C. (2024). A reflective approach to examining the effects of teaching strategies for learner autonomy. Journal of Creativities, Innovations, and Entrepreneurship, 3(4), 43-52.
  3. Wang, Y. C. (2023). Gamification in a news English course. Education Sciences, 13, 90. https://doi.org/10.3390/educsci13010090
  4. Wang, Y. C. (2022). Implementing technology-mediated task-based language teaching in an EFL writing course. International Journal of Computer-Assisted Language Learning and Teaching (IJCALLT), 12(2), 1-15. https://doi.org/10.4018/IJCALLT.305829
  5. Wang, Y. C. (2018). Cooperative learning in the Southeast Asian multicultural program. International Journal of Applied Language Studies, 1, 21-37.
  6. Wang, Y. C. (2012). Gender differences in Mandarin color vocabulary. Tamkang Studies of Foreign Languages and Literatures, 19, 1-19.
  7. Wang, Y. C. (2012). E-newsletter in a journalistic English class. Ching Yun Journal of Applied Foreign Language Studies, 2, 40-88.
  1.  Wang, Y. C. & Yoko Maekawa (2024, September 27). Application of Collaborative Online International Learning in an English Writing Course. Proceedings of 2024 International Conference on “Creative English Teaching and Business Management”, Taiwan, 76-83. ISBN 978-626-97927-7-1.
  2. Kao S. H., Wang, Y. C., & Chung, L. Y. (2024, September 27). Incorporating Project-based Learning in Business English Classes. Proceedings of 2024 International Conference on “Creative English Teaching and Business Management”, Taiwan, 66-75. ISBN 978-626-97927-7-1.
  3. Wang, Y. C. & Kao S. H. (2023, November 24). Enhancing distance course design: Insights from student and teacher reflections [Conference presentation]. 2023 International Conference on International Trade and Language Education, New Taipei City, Taiwan.
  4. Kao S. H., Wang, Y. C., Liu Y. H., & Teng M. C. (2023, November 24). A reflective approach to examining the effects of teaching strategies for learner autonomy [Conference presentation]. 2023 International Conference on International Trade and Language Education, New Taipei City, Taiwan.
  5. Wang, Y. C. (2021). Online video exchange in an English as a foreign language writing course. Proceedings of the 2021 5th International Conference on Education and E-Learning, Japan, 149-153. https://doi.org/10.1145/3502434.3502460 (EI)
  6. Sai, N. P. & Wang, Y. C. (2021, September 24). Correlation between the Use of E-learning Platform and Vietnamese Learning Achievement. Proceedings of 2021 International Symposium on Southeast Asian Languages, Teaching and Culture, Taiwan, 72-86. ISBN 978-986-06196-3-8
  7. Wang, Y. C. & Yamamoto, T. (2021, July 15-18). Developing descriptive writing ability by an online video project [Conference presentation]. European Conference on Language Learning 2021, London, England.
  8. Kao, C. W., Wang, Y. C. & Hung, Y. T. (2020, November). Written feedback on English SV agreement errors. Paper presented at JALT 2020, Japan.
  9. Wang, Y. C. (2020, January). Promoting English listening and speaking ability by computer-supported collaborative learning. Paper presented at the 11th International Conference on E-Education, E-Business, E-Management, and E-Learning, Osaka, Japan. (EI)
  10. Wang, Y. C. (2019, November). Reflections on university students’ cooperative learning in overseas internship. Poster session presented at the Conference on Service Learning to Social Responsibility, New Taipei, Taiwan.
  11. Kao, S. H., Wang, Y. C. & Kuan, F. F. (2019, October). Diversified approaches to ESP teaching. Paper presented at the Conference on International Business and Applied Foreign Language Teaching, New Taipei, Taiwan.
  12. Wang, Y. C. (2019, September). University students’ perceptions on knowledge management with the aid of e-newsletter . Paper presented at the 5th International Conference on Industrial and Business Engineering, Hong Kong, China. (EI)
  13. Wang, Y. C. (2018, January). An online video group project in an English listening and speaking class. Paper presented at Asia-Pacific Conference on Education, Teaching and Technology, Bangkok, Thailand.
  14. Wang, Y. C. (2012, April). Female representatives’ speech in Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan. Paper presented at the Conference for English Teaching: Theory and Practice, Taipei, Taiwan.
  15. Hsieh, I. H. & Wang, Y. C. (2011, July). Peer editing activity in college EFL English writing classes. Paper presented at the 17th European Conference on Reading, Mons, Belgium.
  16. Wang, Y, C. (2011, June). Learning journalistic English with e-newsletters. Paper presented at the 2011 Conference on Applied Foreign Language Studies, Taoyuan, Taiwan.
  17. Hsieh, I. H. & Wang, Y. C. (2011, April). Literacy activities in college EFL English writing classes. Paper presented at the International Conference on L2/EFL Writing Instruction and Research, Shanghai, China.
  18. Wang, Y. C. (2010). Knowledge management in an e-newsletter project. Proceedings of the 14th Conference of ROCMELIA, Taiwan, 14, 431-443.
  19. Wang, Y, C. (2010, June). When Mandarin color vocabulary meets Lakoff’s gender differences. Paper presented at the Asian Conference on Arts & Humanities, Osaka, Japan.
  20. Wang, Y. C. (2010, April). Effects of an e-newsletter project on knowledge management for freshmen in journalistic English classes. Poster session presented at the International Conference on Applied Linguistics & Language Teaching, Taipei, Taiwan.
1. 113學年度教育部新南向學海築夢子計畫-萬豪啟航-飯店實習(子計畫編號:112116400N07),協同主持人。
2. 111學年度教育部教學實踐研究計畫-虛擬交換生-國際線上合作學習對英文寫作與自主學習的影響(PED1110256),主持人。
3. 110學年度教育部補助技專校院開設東南亞語言課程計畫,主持人。
4. 109學年度國科會專題研究計畫-跟著網紅去旅行 - 跨國界任務型語言教學對英文寫作與知識管理之影響(MOST109-2635-H-263-001),主持人。
5. 109學年度教育部補助技專校院開設東南亞語言課程計畫,主持人。
6. 108學年度教育部教學實踐研究計畫-玩新聞-遊戲式學習對新聞英文課程中對知識管理之影響(PED1080136),主持人。
7. 108學年度教育部學海築夢子計畫-加國陽光,牧場築夢(子計畫編號:10811640005),主持人。
8. 108學年度教育部補助技專校院開設東南亞語言課程計畫,主持人。
9. 108學年度勞動部就業學程-「全球商務與數位公關人才培育學程」,協同主持人。
10. 107-109學年度國科會專題研究計畫兼容並蓄的語法糾正回饋探究-以第二語言寫作為例(MOST107-2410-H-263-008-MY2),共同主持人。
11. 107學年度教育部補助技專校院開設東南亞語言課程計畫,主持人。
12. 106-107學年度教育部多元文化語境之英文學習革新課程計畫-「商貿英文」創新ESP – 課程永續與深化(MOE-106-2-3-020),協同主持人。
13. 106學年度教育部補助技專校院開設東南亞語言課程計畫,協同主持人。
1. 112學年度致理科技大學教師成長社群之教師開發優良創意創新教學教材獎勵
2. 111學年度致理科技大學優良導師獎
3. 108學年度致理科技大學優良教師獎
