





最高學歷  美國德州女子大學英文閱讀系博士
教學領域  英文閱讀、聽講練習、服務學習


致理科技大學應用英語系 助理教授
美國德州女子大學英文閱讀系 研究助理
美國德州女子大學英文閱讀系 助教
學甫補習班 負責人 班主任 及 教師
興隆國小 高年級美語老師
江翠國中 國中數學老師
芝麻街美語補習班 國小部美語老師
高效電子股份有限公司 工程部副總經理秘書
大嘉眼鏡公司 業務部業務秘書



  1. Chou, C. T. (2011). Reading and Writing. In Research and Teaching Selections (pp. -). Taipei: Crane. (ISBN:)
  2. Chou, C. T. (2010). College Students' Objectives in Study Abroad. In Chihlee Journal of Foreign Languages and Cross-Cultural Studies (pp. 94-102). Taipei: Crane. (ISSN: 2077-4141)
  3. Chou, C. T. (2009). A comparison of 4th graders' development of reading learning in Taiwan. In Research and Teaching Selections (pp. 128-141). Taipei: Crane. (ISBN: 978-986-147-321-5)
  4. Chou, C.T. (2007). Factors affecting English language learners' acquisition of English: Implications for English language institutes. In P. Dam & M. Cowart (Eds.), Intercultural Understanding. Denton, TX: Federation of North Texas Area Universities.


  1. Chou, C.T. (2011). Modeling the Effects of Learning Environment and Linguistic Distance among the College Students in Taiwan. The 9th Asia TEFL International Conference, July 27-29th, Seoul, Korea.
  2. Chou, C.T. (2011). Service-Learning: The Development of Home-School-Community Literacy Partnerships. The 63rd O.M.E.P. World Conference, July 8-9th, Hong Kong, China.
  3. Chou, C.T. (2011) The Impact of Learning Environment and Linguistic Distance on Second Language Acquisition. 2010 International Conference on TESOL and Translation
  4. Chou, C.T. (2010). 在課程中加入聖經故事對大專生影響之研究. 2010聖經,科學與教育國際研討會, May 14-16, 花蓮.
  5. Chou, C.T. (2010) The Impact of Readers Theater on College Students' Reading Fluency Skills. 2010 Asian EFL Journal International Conference
  6. Chou, C.T. (2010) The Power of Readers Theater. 8th Asia TEFL International Conference
  7. Chou, C.T. (2009). Factors Affecting English Language Learners Study Abroad. The 84th Annual Conference of Western Economic Association International, WEAI, June 29-July 3, Vancouver, B.C., Canada.
  8. Chou, C.T. (2008) An Error Analysis of Chinese and English. 35th Annual National Association for Bilingual Education (NABE)
  9. Chou, C.T., Hansen, B., Hong, K., & Sanchez, C. (2006). Meeting the Literacy Needs of Diverse Learners. 51st Annual Conference of International Reading Association (IRA), April 30-May 4, Chicago, IL.
  10. Chou, C.T. (2006). An Error Analysis of Chinese and English. 35th Annual National Association for Bilingual Education (NABE), January 18-21, Phoenix, AZ.
  11. Chou, C.T. (2005). Integrating the Internet into Your Reading Program. 21st Bilingual Education Association of the Metroplex (BEAM) Spring Conference.
  1. 創造孩子的國際觀 企業產學計畫(含公營及私人企業)(F) 2008/09/01 至2009/08/31 經費:200000元 維文股份有限公司
  2. 數位教材研發 企業產學計畫(含公營及私人企業)(F) 2010/01/01 至2010/07/31 經費:75000元 台灣東華書局股份有限公司
